Where There's a Father's Love in Every Page!
May 28, 2024

The Tiny Seed read by Dads

Carried aloft by the autumn wind, the tiny seed, along with other bigger seeds, travels far over the world. the journey is perilous: one of the bigger seeds is burned by the sun; another falls into the ocean; still another is eaten by a bird. Even after those that are left have landed on fertile ground and begun to grow, danger is near: one small plant is stepped on; one little flower is picked; but the tiny seed keeps growing almost unnoticed.

Carried aloft by the autumn wind, the tiny seed, along with other bigger seeds, travels far over the world. the journey is perilous: one of the bigger seeds is burned by the sun; another falls into the ocean; still another is eaten by a bird. Even after those that are left have landed on fertile ground and begun to grow, danger is near: one small plant is stepped on; one little flower is picked; but the tiny seed keeps growing almost unnoticed. 

Read by: Brent Dowlen is the Host of The Fallible Man Podcast and owner of The Fallible Man LLC focused on helping men become their best selves. www.thefalliblemanpodcast.com

**All rights Belong to:**
Book: The Tiny Seed
Author: Eric Carle
Publisher: Scholastic
Year: 1987

Read for the purposes of providing a service for families:

"Read Me a Story Dad" is a not for profit service of The Fallible Man LLC and is a collection of dads reading to children. Fathers reading to children is an important way to encourage early literacy, learning and creativity among kids

Episode 56 of the "Read Me a Story Dad" Podcast