Where There's a Father's Love in Every Page!

Little Black, A Pony read by Dads

When a small boy graduates from his little pony to a big horse, the pony is sad until the time comes when he is able to do something the big horse cannot do.

Read by: Ed Slover is the founder of Quest Consulting Service, LLC, The Quest4Life, LLC, and It's Not My Credit to Take Ministries. questconsultingservice.com; thequest4life.com; itsnotmycredittotake.com

All rights Belong to: 
Book:  Little Black, A Pony
Author: Walter Farley
Publisher:  Barnes & Noble Books
Year: 1961

Read for the purposes of providing a service for families:  

"Read Me a Story Dad" is a not for profit service of The Fallible Man LLC and is a collection of dads reading to children. Fathers reading to children is an important way to encourage early literacy among kids 

Episode 18 of the "Read Me a Story Dad" Podcast