Little Mikey is scared of everything. He s certain there are creepy crawlies hidden under the rug. He sleeps with his light on to keep the monsters at bay. He s scared of sharks and snakes even ladders and slides and it all makes him incredibly sad. But, when he stumbles upon an old book that tells the tale of a young boy prince that volunteers to protect his king-less kingdom from hordes of dragons, there s a chance Mikey might discover that his fears are not quite as big as they seem

All rights Belong to:
Book: Mikey and the Dragons
Author: Jocko Willink
Year: 2018

Read for the purposes of providing a service for families:

"Read Me a Story Dad" is a not for profit service of The Fallible Man LLC and is a collection of dads reading to children. Fathers reading to children is an important way to encourage early literacy, learning and creativity among kids

Episode 89 of the "Read Me a Story Dad" Podcast