Where There's a Father's Love in Every Page!
Aug. 20, 2024

Where the Wild Things Are read by Dads

One night Max puts on his wolf suit and makes mischief of one kind and another, so his mother calls him 'Wild Thing' and sends him to bed without his supper.

One night Max puts on his wolf suit and makes mischief of one kind and another, so his mother calls him 'Wild Thing' and sends him to bed without his supper.

That night a forest begins to grow in Max's room and an ocean rushes by with a boat to take Max to the place where the wild things are. Max tames the wild things and crowns himself as their king, and then the wild rumpus begins.

But when Max has sent the monsters to bed, and everything is quiet, he starts to feel lonely and realises it is time to sail home to the place where someone loves him best of all.

Read by: Brent Dowlen is the Host of The Fallible Man Podcast and owner of The Fallible Man LLC focused on helping men become their best selves. www.thefalliblemanpodcast.com

**All rights Belong to:**
Book: Where the Wild Things Are
Author: Maurice Sendak
Publisher: Harper Collins Press
Year: 1963

Read for the purposes of providing a service for families:

"Read Me a Story Dad" is a not for profit service of The Fallible Man LLC and is a collection of dads reading to children. Fathers reading to children is an important way to encourage early literacy, learning and creativity among kids

Episode 68 of the "Read Me a Story Dad" Podcast