Where There's a Father's Love in Every Page!


Aug. 1, 2023

The Monster at the end of this Book read by dads

Lovable, furry old Grover is distressed to learn that there's a monster at the end of this book! He begs readers not to turn the pages, but of course kids feel they just have to see this monster for themselves. Grover is astonished--and toddlers will be delighted--to discover who is…

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Aug. 1, 2023

How the Grinch Stole Christmas read by Dads

"The Grinch, whose heart is two sizes too small, hates Who-ville's holiday celebrations, and plans to steal all the presents to prevent Christmas from coming. To his amazement, Christmas comes anyway, and the Grinch discovers the true meaning of the holiday." Read by Brent Dowlen the Host of The Fallible…

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July 26, 2023

Podcast Trailer

Welcome to ”Read Me a Story Dad,” the podcast that aims to create a secure and enjoyable experience for children. Our mission is to provide moms and dads with a platform where they can confidently share age-appropriate children’s books with their little ones. Each episode features dedicated men who are…

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